Your weather forecast live on TV, Once again the info that you need.jouw weather forecast live on TV. No more minutes at photos of others,
Your weather forecast live on TV, Once again the info that you need.
Your weather forecast live on TV. No more minutes to look at photos of others, but immediately the weather information you need.
Weerplaza TV for the Chromecast gives you the opportunity to follow your own weather forecast 24/7 via television. After you are connected to your Chromecast you will see the weather forecast and rain radar for your location on the TV, and you can also view the Weerplaza weather journal every day. In dry weather, Weerplaza TV does not show the rain radar, but the satellite images.
As long as the Chromecast remains on, the weather forecast is renewed every 10 minutes. With Weerplaza TV you always have the current weather forecast at hand with just 1 click on your remote control.
The Weerplaza TV app was developed by Little Robots.